The Mission
This monument is an effort to memorialize our cruel history of slavery and to help us heal from it, to honor Lewis and Harriet Hayden, two of Lexington’s enslaved who became famed abolitionists, to remember the stories of other enslaved persons in Lexington and to commemorate their paths to freedom via Lexington’s Underground Railroad.
There can be no healing by selectively forgetting or hiding the past, we must confront it. This monument just a few blocks from Lexington’s famed slave market, will be a constant and visible reminder of our racist history. It honors not only Lewis and Harriet Hayden but every enslaved Lexingtonian. It will be one of the first monuments in the city representing enslaved African Americans.
Located on a middle school property in Lexington’s East End neighborhood, the monument will become an educational tool for students. Instead of trying to prevent teaching of our history of slavery, it will provide a “real and honest” historic perspective in plain view on the property.
“Current events in our country echo a need for such a monument. The Underground Railroad, the enslaved we chose to honor, the artist and Lexington’s desire to look at history accurately have serendipitously aligned.” Linda Carroll
Committee Members and Advisors
LexArts: Nathan Zamarron & Kay’mon Murrah
LFUCG Mayor’s Office: Mayor Linda Gordon
Council Member First District: Tyler Morton
Council Member at Large: James Brown
Historian: Yvonne Giles
Community Representatives: Larry Kezele, Bill Harris, Diana Martin, Jim Burton, Maury Sparrow
Kentucky Poet Laureate 2013: Frank X Walker
Elite Basketball Player (UK, USA National Team, ABL, WNBA), Great-Great Grandniece of William Still (known as "The Father of the Underground Railroad"), Still Family Historian, Author: Valerie Still
University of Kentucky Undergraduate: Mark Steven Watkins
The Living Arts & Science Center: Jeanette Tesmer
University of Kentucky College of Fine Arts and Sculpture: Gary Bibbs
University of Kentucky African American and Africana Studies: Vanessa Holden
Lexington Traditional Magnet School
Martin Luther King Neighborhood Association
Kentucky Humanities Council
Committed Partnerships
The Lyric Theater
University of Kentucky
Transylvania University
Bluegrass Community Technical College
The Living Arts & Science Center
Lexington Traditional Magnet School
Lexington Fayette Urban County Government