How to help
Education about Lewis and Harriet Hayden’s life, the Underground Railroad and the role Lexington played during these moments in our history are little known but provide inspiring stories.
Donations can be made by writing a check to Lexington’s Freedom Train.
161 N. Mill Street Lexington, KY 40507
Joseph Anthony
Rama Aroon
Srimati Basu
Rita Basuray
Kristen and Perry Bentley
Thelma Bergman
Catherine Bishop
Dana Boarman
Lyon Bradbury
Melissa Bright
Lowell and Joan Bush
Claire Carpenter
Linda and John Carroll
Francie Chassen-Lopez
William Chew
Laura Cole
Patricia Cooper
Calvin Crafill
Chuck Creacy
Lina and Kelly Crocker
Sumit Das
Kimberly and Patterson Decamp
Mitchell Dobbs
Elvis and Geneva Donaldson
Gregory Doyle
Marc and Kris Dubick
James Ewalt
Lu-Ann Farrar
Kathleen Fluhart
Yvonne Giles
Karen Gill
Linda Grant
Nicolette Greenwood
John and Carolyn Hackworth
N Thomas Hakansson
Skila Harris
Sandra and Lenn Harrison
Phyllis Hasbrouck
Josephine Hayden
Edward and Gerri Henry
Ann Honomichl
Mary Hughes
Alan and Carol Hunt
Gargee Kar
Larry Kezele
George Knoske
Jaqui Linder
Kathy Loeb
Kathryn Lyon
Sherry Maddock
Mary Malone
Diana Martin
James Mc Cormick
Everett McCorvey
Tracy McIntosh
Paul Mefford
Jean O'Daniel
Erin O'Donnell
Kathleen Pool
Mary Poole
Click here to make your donation to Lexington’s Freedom Train.
For more information please contact:
LexArts: Email
Larry Kezele: Email
A non-profit charitable fund, Lexington’s Freedom Train, has been created under the umbrella of the LexArts organization in Lexington. LexArts began in 1972 and enables safe, secure, 501c3 donations throughout the region for art projects such as this.
In Warm Thanks
Mary Quinn Ramer
Sharmistha Ray
Bradford and Stacey Ray
Fon Rogers
Becky Ryan
Lt. Cmdr. Ryan
Jean Sabharwal
Al Shapere
Jason Shirazi
Sumana Sinha
Susan Slade
Jason Snapp
Sarah Spurlock
Joel and Diane Strangis
Barbara Sutherland
Keiko Tanaka
Kevin Terry
Jeanette Tesmer
Karen Tice
Jewel Vanderhoef
Jack and Angene Wilson
Baron Wolfe
Dan Wu
George Zack
Van Hoose & Associates
Ruth Hunt Candies
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government
Kentucky Historical Society
Community Ventures Corp
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
LAC Veterans Club